The JMP priorities listed below were reviewed by the JMP board and several providers at a regular board meeting on August 26th, 2015. They were re-adopted that evening without changes because each is still a priority in Jasper, Marion and Poweshiek Counties. Before re-adopting the priorities there was a lengthy discussion connecting each priority to a gap in services or need established in local assessment data and focus groups.
This priority was part of each of the three county’s previous community plans and also was a theme in several local assessments. After review of the community forums in each county this item was a theme that became apparent. At least one county does not have dental providers that advertise they take families on subsidized state healthcare. Other needs mentioned were mental health and access to crisis care.
This priority was also included in each of the three counties’ past community plans as well as showing up as a theme is several local assessments. Some of the gaps identified in the community forums are transportation to preschool, night shift/swing shift childcare, respite care, five year olds not being ready for kindergarten, and access to affordable daycare options.
This priority was identified as a gap during the community forum and also listed as a gap in assessments for the three counties in the JMP ECI area. Specific gaps include occupational support and work force development as well as alcohol and drug counseling. Other education needs were positive parenting skills and education on the systemic factors that affect parents’ ability to provide quality care for their children.
This priority is central to the new merged area and was included in past community plans. The recent community forum included the theme collaboration, specifically stating that groups within and beyond county borders have difficulty communicating. Mentioned by some of the counties in the JMP ECI area was the issue that some providers work in isolation, thus limiting the ability to communicate and collaborate.
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Below are the indicators that will be tracked annually by the JMP board and most recently adopted at the November 4th, 2015 board meeting These indicators are used by the JMP Board to determine funding priorities. The indicators were chosen by the board after careful review of data collected in each county.
Percentage of children (K-12) receiving immunizations

Percentage of children ages 0-5 on Medicaid receiving any dental or oral health service

Percentage of kindergarten children at who scored Proficient based on FAST or some other indicator

Incidence of child abuse/neglect

Percentage of licensed/ registered providers in voluntary QRS system or some other quality rating